Terms of Agreement

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The following are the Terms of Agreement that apply to all users:

  1. We reserve the right to modify these Terms of Agreement without notice. Under most circumstance, we will notify all users from the Home Page that there has been a change to the Terms of Agreement.

  2. You agree to abide by the laws of the local county in regards to how many sales you are able to hold over a given period of time.

  3. You agree not to use obscene or defamatory language in your listing.

  4. You agree not to sell anything illegal as determined by the local county.

  5. The local county is defined as the county in which the sale will be taken place.

  6. By posting a Sale event on TehachapiGarageSale.com, you understand that what you make available, such as the address of the Sale event, is viewable to the public in general.

  7. "Public in General" is defined by anyone with a means to access TehachapiGarageSale.com via the Internet, inside or outside of the County.

  8. By using TehachapiGarageSale.com, you agree not to abuse its resources, such as linking uploaded images to other websites, performing unnecessary number of searches, i.e. the use of "Bots". Doing so may result in exclusion from the website without notification.

  9. The term "Bots" refers to any script (Client or Server Side) created outside of the TehachapiGarageSale.com domain that performs many queries or searches within a short period of time. i.e., 100 searches per minute.

  10. Any attempt at "hacking" into anyones account will result in immediate and indefinite exclusion from the website without notice and is punishable to the extent of the law.

  11. "Hacking" refers to any attempt to acquire usernames, passwords, or any other undisclosed information (other than their own) without the consent of the Administrators of TehachapiGarageSale.com.

  12. You understand that your information disclosed in your Sales and/or (Buyer) Subscribing will be used to help create various features in the Website. Please refer to the FAQ, "How is my information used when I post a Sale or Subscribe to listings?" for further clarification.

  13. You have the right to remove/delete your account, listing, or subscription at any time.

  14. By registering an account, you certify that you are 18 years or older.